Archdeacon’s Newsletter for Bramley and Grafham February 2024

Firstly, I wish to say a huge thank you to Andy who has been priest-incharge at Bramley for the last 3+ years and to Camilla, who has been priest-in-charge of Grafham and will be retiring later this year. During this time, they have both made a significant contribution to the life and witness of these communities. We pray that Andy, and in time Camilla, may continue to know God’s provision as they follow His call into the next season of ministry. 

Secondly, this newsletter will explain how the vacancy will be managed and how a new incumbent will be appointed, across the joined benefice of Bramley and Grafham, with a timeline of the important meetings. Please be assured of my care, prayers, and support during this time.

What happens now Andy has left? Who is In Charge during the Vacancy?

Following Andy’s departure, the formal running of Bramley is the legal responsibility of the Area Dean (Rev Canon Roy Woodhams) and Churchwardens (the Sequestrators). 

How does the parish function without an Incumbent? 

Whilst the Area Dean will provide oversight and support, he is also a busy incumbent and will not be able to be present in the way that Andy was. Most of the work, therefore, will be coordinated by the vacancy management team who are accountable to the PCC. This will consist of the churchwardens, administrator, treasurer, and others who share in ministerial and administrative support. It will meet regularly to ensure things continue as normal. For good reason, the Area Dean will ensure that no strategic decisions are taken during the time when there is no incumbent in the parish. 

What if I have any questions during this period?

Please speak to the churchwardens in the first instance. They will be able to direct you to the right person. 

How is our new Incumbent chosen? Who decides on our new Vicar? 

There are eight people who will be on the formal interview panel: The Patron Lord Chancellor (Helen Dimmock), Bishop of Dorking (Rt Rev Paul Davies), The Archdeacon of Surrey (The Venerable Catharine Mabuza), The Area Dean of Cranleigh (Rev Canon Roy Woodhams) and the four Parish Representatives (elected by the PCCs).

Will there be consultation? 

Yes. The most important work that needs to be done now is the putting together of a parish profile and person specification. This is, in effect, the document that lays out our priorities looking forward and the gifts that we seek in a new leader. The compilation of this document will be done by a small Parish Profile Team but following a process of wide consultation which will be facilitated by the diocese. There will also be an opportunity for the PCC and officers of the parish to meet shortlisted candidates and offer feedback.

What is the Timescale for all of this? 

We attempt to be as efficient as possible. We do, however, need to go through a process that is laid down by the Patronage (Benefices) Measure (1986). We have already started to prepare for this process. The dates that have been set are below:

  • Archdeacon’s meeting with the congregation (to explain the process) 20th February 2024 
  • Vacancy Vision Workshop Early March 2024 
  • Final Draft of Parish Profiles completed by (stage at which most of the work is complete) Mid April 2024 
  • Section 11 Meeting (profile formally agreed and parish reps chosen) End April 2024 
  • Advertise Post
  • Closing date for applications (final date on which applications submitted)
  • Shortlisting via zoom (interview panel meets to shortlist candidates) 
  • Interviews

As no one was appointed in June/July, the post was re-advertised. The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in early September.

The Bottom Line… So when can we expect to welcome our new Incumbent? As soon as possible… but the process can’t be rushed! If we are successful in appointing a new incumbent in September, we might expect an induction during January. The average time between an appointment and an institution is approximately 4 months, but can be longer for a Lord Chancellor appointment. It must also be remembered that a panel can decide that God’s person for the post is not amongst the shortlisted candidates. This can be disappointing. It is, however, important that the right person is appointed, even if it means re-advertising and waiting a little longer.