Our latest news

Faceless vicar

Vacancy News

We are delighted to tell you that the process of finding our new vicar is under way.  You can read all about the process on our new page Vacancy 2024.


Clock with hands at 9.30


Change of service time

From 14th July onwards, as a temporary measure to help clergy cover all the vacancies in this Deanery, the start time for the main Sunday services at Bramley and Grafham will change by just 15 minutes: the parish Eucharist at Holy Trinity Bramley will start 15 minutes earlier, at 9.30am every Sunday, and the morning service at Grafham will start 15 minutes later at 11am.


These timings were proposed by the Revd. Andy Davis and Revd Camilla White before they respectively left their posts and were approved by the Area Dean so that one priest could preside at services in both churches of the united benefice. It was agreed that these timings would be implemented during the vacancy once the Revd. Camilla White retired. A new vicar for the united benefice of Bramley and Grafham could not be appointed until both Andy and Camilla had left their posts, and so Camilla generously timed her retirement to facilitate a new appointment.


Both PCCs agreed to the 15-minute time changes and the times were announced at both APCMs.  A few people expressed concern, and so the four churchwardens met with the Area Dean on 14 May and agreed that the new start times would be considered as a trial period that could be reviewed once a new vicar is appointed. It is important to note that the churchwardens alone have no power to alter the service times during the vacancy.


Whatever the times of our services, this is an exciting time for the two parishes of Bramley and Grafham to move forward together in unity, making everyone welcome, especially the clergy who are kindly leading our services, and preparing to welcome a new vicar in due course.



       Access to church during fuel leak works

We had feared that Sunday services would have to be suspended because access to the church from the High Street is so dangerous. We are very grateful to the Headmistress of St Catherine’s School, who has kindly agreed that on Sunday mornings our congregation can park in the prep school car park and use the gate into the churchyard in order to avoid the roadwork obstacles on the pavement outside the church.



Come worship with us

Services during the summer holidays

Sunday 21st July:

  • 8am Bramley BCP led by the Revd. Benji McNair-Scott
  • 9.30am Bramley Parish Eucharist led by the Revd. Benji McNair-Scott
  • 11am Grafham Holy Communion led by the Revd. Rodney Hill

 Sunday 28th July:

  • 8am Bramley BCP - celebrant to be confirmed
  • NO 9:30 SERVICE 
  • 11am Grafham Lammas Service – celebrant to be confirmed

 Sunday 4th August:

  • 8am Bramley BCP led by Archdeacon Catharine Mabuza
    9:30am Bramley Parish Eucharist led by Archdeacon Catharine
  • 6pm Grafham Songs of Praise led by members of the congregation

Sunday 11th August:

  • NO 8am service
  • 9.30am Bramley Parish Eucharist led by Bishop Andrew
  • 11am Grafham Parish Eucharist led by Bishop Andrew


Grand piano

September Bramley Music concert

Piano recital by Patrick Hemmerlé (https://patrickhemmerle,com) entitled ‘From Darkness to Light’, at Holy Trinity Church at 7pm on 7 September, in support of the Villages Wednesday Club.

The Villages Wednesday Club for just £6 provides older people living in Shamley Green, Wonersh, Bramley and the surrounding villages with morning coffee, a freshly prepared lunch, entertainment and afternoon tea, and of course the opportunity to have a lovely day out and meet old friends and make new ones.


Johann Sebastian Bach: Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland (arranged Busoni), Aria “Ich habe Genug” (arranged Hemmerlé), C minor Fantasy BWV 906

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata opus 11

Frédéric Chopin: Fantasie opus 4, Polonaise-Fantaisie opus 61, Barcarolle opus 60

Tickets for the concert are £10 (£5 students and under 18s) and are available from Stuart White  (stuartwhite2023@gmail.com) via online payment or from Robertsons, Bramley (in person, for cash only).   There is a free glass of wine or soft drink in the interval.  Do come and hear Patrick play beautiful music on our wonderful Steinway B Grand Piano, while supporting a worthy cause.   


Waverley Citizens Advice logo


To read Citizens Advice newsletters, please visit to Our Community page.


 Bramley Helping Hand logo    

 Please visit our Bramley Helping Hand page for the latest news!


Volunteers needed

Your church needs you!

If you would like to make coffee once per month, please let Evelyn Gates know.  You can email her by clicking here.


The logo of Memory Lane

The Memory Lane Café

The Memory Lane Café is held at the Cranleigh Arts Centre from 2.15pm to 4.15pm on the first Monday and the third Monday of every month. The Café provides an opportunity for carers to relax, chat and share advice and experiences over cake and a cup of tea while their loved ones have fun with stimulating activities.

If you know of someone experiencing dementia, why not just bring them along to our next meeting?  If you would like more information please phone Michael 01483 27 4398.

An ever increasing number of guests means that more volunteers are needed!  Training will be given.

                                                       Wintershall Singers at Memory Lane
