Who's Who at Holy Trinity

Vicar (Priest in Charge)

Rev'd William Davie (from 16 January 2025)

Church Wardens

Suzanne Oldrey  Email Sue Tel: 07831 488037

Catherine Smith Email Catherine

Verger and Sexton

Monica Snelling Tel: 01483 894710

PCC Secretary

Peter Williams Tel: 01483 275242

Treasurer & Weekly Envelopes

Richard Gates Tel: 01483 893861 Email Richard

Church Office and Parish Room Bookings Email the church office

Safeguarding Officer

Penny Dyson Tel: 07858 383274 Email Penny

Organist and Director of Music Organ and west door

Dr Marie Ward Email: marie47ward@hotmail.com

The choir sings at the 9.30am Eucharist. New members are most welcome.


The bellringers practise on Thursday evenings at 8.00pm and ring at 9.15am onBells on groundSundays and for most weddings. New members are most welcome.