Our Choir
The Holy Trinity, Bramley choir sings each Sunday during the 9.30am
service. Each week the choir deliver an anthem during communion. These are sacred songs, both modern
and traditional.
The choir sings in three parts, soprano, alto and bass
currently, though we would welcome anyone wishing to sing tenor. St Catherine's School, Bramley, is affiliated to the church and
the choir is augmented by St
Catherine's boarders. There
is no audition process and we welcome and cater for singers of any level from novice to seasoned singer.

At the major points in the
liturgical year, appropriate anthems (songs) are sung, and at Christmas we
augment the choir with friends and local families, the emphasis being on
communal singing, culminating in the Nine Lessons and Carols service
where we sing a mix of traditional congregational carols and choir
oriented anthems.
Listen to the choir singing at the Bramley Carol Service in December 2021:
Gaudete! (Trad):
The Star Carol (John Rutter):
The emphasis for this
choir is inclusion and singing for enjoyment and we always welcome
anyone interested in joining on a full time or part time basis. The main
focus is fun! If you would like to join the choir or discuss the idea with our choir director, Marie Ward, please email her or one of the churchwardens.