Donate with

Smile Amazon

I’m sure we all support our local shops whenever possible BUT, if you do use Amazon at any time, we have signed up to Amazon Smile, which means that Amazon will contribute 0.5% of all eligible Amazon purchases to Holy Trinity church.

To make it work, use as your entry point to Amazon, and select Holy Trinity by putting PAROCHIAL BRAMLEY in the ‘search facility’. This will then show as your choice 'The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Bramley Guildford' (our official name registered with the Charity Commission). 

Then click ‘select’. This takes you to Amazon shopping, which is exactly the same as usual. There is no difference in prices or choice, but selecting this does means 0.5% of what you spend is sent as a contribution to our Parish Church funds. We receive a single monthly donation from Amazon, not linked to any particular purchases, so it is all completely anonymous.

This is a new venture for us so please do let me know if you have any problems.

Many thanks,

Richard Gates (Church treasurer)

Email Richard                                                                                

Phone Richard: 01483 893861